No race reports in the last couple weeks, I have been taking it easy as I think after a busy summer I am getting close to that fine line with burnout. Life has been busy in other ways, my husband and I took a really fun trip to Seattle where we stayed at a great downtown hotel called the Moore Hotel. I would highly recommend it. Its cheap, funky and in a great location. I hear it can be a bit noisy when there is a play on at the Moore theater, but we didn't experience that.
Book Of Mormon |
In Seattle we went to the Science Center and saw a great exhibit on Espionage. I loved this exhibit as I was once offered a job with the CIA, but that's a story for another time! We went to see the play the Book of Mormon, which was very funny and and very offensive, as to be expected. We went to a Mariner game and as two huge baseball fans we were ecstatic! The actual game was terrible, I think maybe 5 players even made it to second base! Our last day in Seattle we met up with my mom, dad and grandma who live within a few hours and spent the day at the zoo. We finished up our trip with pizza and wine on the beach at a friends home. It was a beautiful sunny night and we just basked in the salty sea smell and sunshine on our skin while we watched the ferries go by. Seriously magical. I grew up on an island and really miss the sea life!
Seattle Mariners |
After Seattle I got the notice that I could return to work earlier than my staff to get things in order, so it started to hit that summer was almost over. In a panic my husband and I started working on all the house projects that somehow didn't get completed the previous 6 weeks that we were both off work. We hung gutters, cleaned out rooms, organized the crawl space, built benches for our outdoor table and refinished furniture, phew! It was an exhausting week but also satisfying as many other homeowners will understand.
Family Usie |
Now I am back at work trying to remember what I do for a living and get prepared so when the folks come back next week I will be calm, collected and ready to move forward...hopefully.
My projects! |
On the running front things have been a bit funky. Like I said I didn't do the 10k Alaska Classic that I love because I was just feeling a bit burned out. After a hard summer of racing I think I have forgotten the joy of just running. This realization is not terrible, I can switch back to a season of fitness running for fun, but there are two problems with this. Two pretty silly problems but bear with me. The first problem is as I have mentioned before I have a small battle with my weight that when I start to lose the battle I also start to feel like I have to run/exercise all the time as a punishment. Yes I see the issue with this thinking but it is way too tied into some deep rooted self esteem issues that are too much to get into here. The other issue is that my husband started running. He used to hate running but now since he has realized he can run 7 minute miles he wants to run everyday. I am really working on being supportive but when your married to someone who is amazing at everything its hard to handle when he starts being amazing at the one thing you always did. I know I don't have a corner market on running, I'm really not even very good at it, but this new revelation has thrown me off a bit.
So that is where I am at right now. A bit of an odd spot but I suppose that just sets me up for an exciting new change. Fall is coming and I am ready for a new season.
What running season are you in right now? Training, racing, fitness, a break?