For Easter this year instead of filling a basket with candy for my 4 1/2 year old nephew Ezra I decided to make a little voucher for a very special Auntie and Nephew race. At first Ezra didn't seem super excited by the little piece of paper but understandably he was being spoiled with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 other Easter Baskets other than mine. This kid needs some siblings or cousins, there is too much attention on just him!
After the sugar rush resided Ezra and I talked more about what race we would do and if he would be able to complete a 3k race. He was confident that if he wore a cape and his special running shoes he would have the power to make it through. Done. I signed us up for the Heart Run 3k and we were set.
On race day Ezra showed up at my house with his cape and his running shoes and we were off. I decided since the race is really close to my house and parking was a nightmare we would get dropped off and walk home - this will become important later...
Cape - check, special running shoes - check! |
Lets run! |
We got to the race and Ezra told me it was really important to stretch so that we could run really fast. I obliged and then we were off! The race started like a herd of peanut butter. It is a huge race and Ezra kept asking me when the race would start, I had to tell him it already started but I don't think he believed me since we were hardly shuffling forward.
Half way there! |
Stretching is very important |
Once the crowds thinned out we started the typical kid style sprint...walk...sprint...walk...sprint...walk It was pretty fun to see him so excited to run. I love the energy of a race, call me sappy but its all love and active people coming together to move their bodies and cheer each other on, what is better than that? About half way through the race Ezra slowed down a bit and asked we could just walk together. So hand in hand we continued on having great conversations about how races are hard but they are worth finishing! I had to watch myself because I realized I was anxious to get to the finish rather than just enjoy the time with Ezra. I guess most races I am just anxious to get to the finish - I think there is a lesson in here :)
Ready to go |
Auntie my feet are getting tired - me too dude, me too. |
The race ended up being a bit longer than expected so I was very proud of Ezra when after 2.5 miles he ran over the finish line. He had the biggest smile after he got his medal!
Not sure whats up with the hands! |
On the run! |
Kids medals |
We recuperated a bit with some Great Harvest Bread and then I broke the bad news to him that now we needed to walk home. Even though my house was only a mile or so away, my grand plan was seeming a bit ambitious at this point.
Recover food |
Ezra didn't complain but he did tell me his feet were really tired so I loaded him up on my back and off we went, superhero and his ride. We took a quick break to play at a lake on our way home and made it home over two hours after we started. My fitbit said I walked 13k steps so I can only imagine how many steps Ezra's little legs took. During our walk he told me he liked the race and wanted to do it every year but next year maybe we should try the 5k! He is an ambitious bugger!
Playing at the lake |
We got home and he ate a ton of food then promptly slept for 2 hours. Sounds like the perfect day to me! I really believe kids should do whatever they want for fun activity but I still love that Ezra experienced running with us since he was an infant and now wants to be involved himself. Maybe he will keep running maybe he won't but our time spent together is priceless and I will always treasure those moments.
Ezra's first Heart Run when he was about 5 months old |
I love everything about this!! Congrats to both of you...I love the cape!!