Monday, June 1, 2015

Running Recap

Hello, I have been a bit quiet lately due to super busy work and lots of training but I am still around and running lots.  I am working on my race report for the Gold Nugget Triathlon but until then I have lots of new fun stuff to tell you.

Training is going well, I have been keeping to my 6 day a week schedule and while I am feeling a bit rundown and tired/grumpy today if you had talked to me this weekend I would have told you I am finally feeling the increase in strength and ability from all this hard work.  Last week was a little different due the the holiday but basically looked like this:

Monday - Long run: 10 miles
Tuesday - Swim & 13 mile very hilly bike ride (no cross fit because my back was sore and I was scared to injure it)
Wednesday - Rest (Softball - I had a great hit!)
Thursday - Ran 5 miles, walked 1 due to a feeling of imminent puking, reason - hot day& bad hydration.
Friday - Swam 1000m in 12:13 500m splits
Saturday - Biked 2 hours on trainer, ran 5 miles on hot hilly route
Sunday - ran 10 miles in AM to beat heat

Elevation on Tuesday night bike ride
Saturday morning brick training
The highlights of the week were the total miles, the brick on Saturday and the awesome swim splits on Friday.  The low lights included my really slow paces on Saturday and Sunday and the fact my quad does not feel awesome right now.  Missing cross fit was a bummer but completely the right choice. The grumpiness I mentioned earlier mostly has to do with my lack of sleep lately and embarrassingly slow paces.  I am currently planning for some faster runs this week and some speed work in my future training schedule, it kinda got edged out of this one.

Lots of napping needed to combat training exhaustion which can lead to bad cases of the grumps, example - today
30 Goals
My 30 goals are going really well actually.  I turn 30 in less than 3 weeks and while I haven't made progress on all my goals, I have made awesome progress on a couple and that makes me really happy. 

To start with I joined a softball team which was part of my engaging with new groups/making new friends and while I still get insanely nervous when I have to bat its been pretty good for the most part.  I also started going to some group triathlon training which again makes me super nervous but also connects me to some awesome people. Another big success has been the fact that I am rocking my nutrition and have lost about 10lbs this month, so yeah that's awesome!  And obviously my exercise is going well as shown above.
Softball treats

The part I haven't made much progress on are the mental health which is actually because the natural state of my mental health has been really good lately so I haven't been inspired to really work on it.  I know I should be working on it all year so January/February doesn't hit so hard but lately with the summer sun and lots of exercise endorphins I have felt very positive and happy!

Got my wetsuit ready for the lake swims!

Upcoming Races
I have made some big commitments to some upcoming races, 30 is going to be a really fun year!  In October I am going to be running my first marathon in Portland, in April I will be competing in the Olympic Triathlon Lavaman in Hawaii and in June we will be going for the big 70.3 Ironman - location undetermined at this point.  That sentence scares the crap out of me because I know it will be a TON of hard work but also totally worth it!

Happy Racing!

Keep on Running

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