Good Morning,
I am absolutely exhausted this Monday morning after the long weekend. Not to be too cheesy but I had so much to be thankful for this weekend. We had an absolute blast, let me recap.
I completely agree! |
On Wednesday I was really thankful that I work for such a great company that cares about the moral of its employees. One of the ways they do this is to call "Sun Days' which are essentially extra bonus hours of paid leave that our Executive Director grants us unexpectedly a few times a year. It is so much fun, everyone cheers when he comes on the intercom and announces a paid afternoon off. So on Wednesday I used my time off to finish cleaning and making my pies and stuffing for Thanksgiving. I am also so excited that the rest of the world is now ready for
Christmas (like I have been for a month) we were naughty already and
opened the double wedding ring quilt my grandma made us for our wedding
and put it on our bed. We were supposed to wait until Christmas but I
was too excited, isn't it beautiful!
Double Wedding Ring Quilt |
She makes such nice labels! |
On Thursday I woke up early and went off to complete my 30 day shred before cuddling in with some coffee and the Thanksgiving Day Parade. My husband joined me on the couch for a while before we got ourselves together and went out for a nice 3 mile Thanksgiving Day run. This year we decided to save the 70$ and forgo the organized turkey trot for a cheaper version of our own. Since both of us are on the 30 day fit bit challenge and we knew getting the rest of our steps may be tough that day we finished our 3 mile run with a 3 mile walk.
My first ever apple pie |
We spent Thanksgiving dinner with some good friends and their children. It was pretty wonderfully typical of Thanksgiving, good food, good company and lots to be grateful for. After dinner we came back to our home and welcomed some friends over for an evening of games, pie and cocktails. It was an absolute blast, we played a new game called Concept and ended the evening with some long deep conversations on life.
This picture was actually earlier in the week, but my second week playing poker and look what I won! |
Friday we were pretty unimpressive. I think we needed some recuperating. I honestly cant even remember much of what we did, I believe there was some biking/walking and a little shopping. We are not black friday people but Kris needed some new swim goggles so we went to REI and he picked those up while I snagged a winter hat that has a pony hole. We then went to our local running store where I heard smart wool socks were on sale. I am in love with Smart wool PHD running socks, they are amazing! Oh and I completely forgot, we got pedis! Yes I have a husband that will get a pedi with me now and then, he likes how it keeps his feet feeling good for running. To finish the night we went to our town's annual tree lighting. Its a bit cheesy but we enjoyed singing Christmas Songs and seeing the lights. This year due to the lack of snow Santa had to come in on a low budget sleigh with wheels. Normally we have a beautiful sleigh that is pulled by real reindeer!
Christmas Tree |
Not one of our best pics, but I tried! |
Saturday morning brought a wonderful surprise, SNOW! I was like a little kid who jumped out of bed and flew to the window to see if the weather man was telling the truth and there it was in all its glory. I got my 30 day shred out of the way and went out to meet a friend for a run. We had decided this week to end our 3 mile run with a couple miles of ice skating on the lagoon. It was absolutely perfect until I got overly confident in my skating abilities and went down.
Santa! Santa! Santa! |
My swollen knee didn't hold me back from trying out my new snow bike for our first actual ride in the snow. It was so much fun! It is such a different ride from road biking, I am still getting used to the different feeling, its more like strength training! We took it really slow as I was nervous for my knee but it was great to just ride around the woods and smile at the snow.
Saturday night we went to some wonderful friends' home for Catan and drinks. The lady of this couple is from England and is by the best (fanciest) hostess I have ever met. I tried pate at her house, and actually liked it a bit!
Enjoying the outdoors |
A late Saturday night unfortunately didn't translate into a lazy Sunday morning, we got up around 8 to continue our tradition of going out to breakfast before heading out to play again. Kris has been meeting some guys to go snow biking on trails around town and I have been tagging along then going for a run (I cant keep up with them on bikes yet!) so that I get out on different trails. This Sunday was a beautiful snowy run through some really fun single track, but I was dragging pretty bad. I don't deal well without sleep, not sure how I am going to have kids yet! We came back home and I napped for a few before we had to head out again for a school function with Kris's students. I finished the day with some cleaning and cooking before heading to bed at 8pm!
Snowy Running |
While this weekend was extremely exhausting, it was such a blast. I am so grateful to have such wonderful friends and family who love being active and outdoors. I know what a blessing it is that I am able to do all of these fun things and share that time with those that I love! I am also thankful that I dont work on Tuesdays and before my rolfing and hair appointments I will have time to take a long nap!
I totally agree that that's the right way to eat pumpkin pie ;) That sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!