Monday, September 29, 2014

Fall Fun

Well I am officially post running season.  Yes this is a slightly arbitrary determination of what is "in season" but I finished my last big race/triathlon before starting on a quieter season of costumed 5ks/10ks and holiday races.  Being off season doesn't mean a decrease in running, I am planning on it actually meaning more/less running.  Sounds slightly contradictory but my current running plan is a 5k 3 days a week and 5 miles on the weekend.  This is supplemented with 2 days of swim, one yoga/strengths, possibly one day of spin if I am ambitious and some fun family activity on the weekend - bike/hike etc.  
Trail near my home

Hokas in the Leaves

 This plan will probably change as soon as the snow falls, but for now it sounds good!  I have been enjoying some awesome Fall runs, it is beautiful up here!  Normally Fall occurs in like a week and then it is winter, but since I moved here five years ago I have noticed the Fall and Spring seem to be getting longer, maybe its just me.  But I found a new 5 mile loop that winds around quiet trails near a lake and a few ponds that I am in love with.  Right now I would rather run this five mile loop than a three mile out and back.  There is something mentally pleasant about a loop and mind-numbing about an out and back.  When I do my long runs I never do out and back runs, I usually just run to a spot and have my wonderful husband come pick me up!

My new 5 mile loop!
When Old Man Winter does come to visit us, my training will change a bit, but I am committed to keeping it more active this year.  Normally I swap out running almost exclusively for cross country skiing, but with some big races on the horizon, which I will share soon, I want to keep in running shape.  I plan on continuing my swimming and biking throughout the winter so I will have ample cross training.  How can I bike during the winter you may ask?  Enter my early Christmas present, a fat tire snow bike.  Yes, life is very fun!  My husband and I are getting a version of the bike you see below for Christmas.  We have ridden our friends bikes before and they are a heck of a good time.  We have always wanted some but when they came out they cost about the price of a small car, some still do, but now they are coming down in price a lot so its finally time for us to pick up some of our own. 
Fat tire snow bikes

Fun in the single track

Look at those mittens, they are connected to the bike!

I hope you are enjoying some fun Fall runs with ample pumpkin goodies afterwards!  I have been loving having pumpkin smoothies for a post run treat.  Last week I pulled on some layers and enjoyed my smoothie while hanging out our backyard getting some precious vitamin D!

Pumpkin Smoothie
Brr getting chilly
Fall Flowers
Love the Run

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