I started this blog right in middle of spring racing and wanted to do a quick recap of some of the races I completed so far this year. However I didn't think my memory was good enough to do a full post for each. So lets get started!
My first race of 2014 is as per usual the Fur Rondy Frostbite Footrace 5k on the 22nd of February. This if you are not from Alaska is a heck of a good way to spend a freezing cold February morning. Fur Rendezvous (Fur Rondy) is a multiple week festival that has roots back when fur trappers came to Anchorage to sell their furs and enjoy a rest from living in the wild Alaskan frontier. Now it is a great time for a carnival, foot race, reindeer run (yes think bulls in Spain), outhouse races and snowshoe softball. Nope we are not nuts up here in Alaskan, but we sure do know how to make our own fun! Back to the race, this run was actually my first 5k ever, I ran it in a full red union jack suit and a raccoon hat, lets just say I fit in well up here. This year my sister and I ran the 5k in a reused shark costume from Ski Train 2013. I loved that while I was running on the icy roads, I would hear behind me "oh shes a tiger shark!" The tiger tail I had on made my costume a lot of fun. I ran this race in 35:26 which I was surprised by since it was icy and I had not been running much as of late. I usually use this run as the kick in the butt I need to remind myself that running doesn't come naturally and I need to work at it if I want to hoof it over a few finish lines this year. Works like a charm!
Insert Jaws song here... Did I mention we finished right after a couple people dressed like fish? Perfect :) |
Its a tiger shark! |
The next race I did this spring was the Shamrock Shuffle. At this point I had received the kick in the pants and had committed to 3 miles 3 days a week to build a base back up before any official training began. With the existence of some actual endurance I was really looking forward to this race when the night before something very Alaskan happened, it snowed. And it snowed. And it snowed.
Snow! |
Snow Tunnel |
My husband nicely shoveled me a path to my sister's truck that got us to the race. I read on the race website that the race was on (come on we're Alaskans!) and the roads were clear! I remember having a funny thought at that point "what about the race that's on the trail?" But I tossed that aside and headed out. It was a chilly morning but the race started off well through the freshly plowed streets, then we hit the trails and OH MY GOSH! All several feet of fresh snow were still there. We then commenced running 2 miles in three single file lines. If you wanted to pass someone you had to hurdle the snow separating the lines of people - not fall- and then repeat to get back into your "lane." It was exhausting! I have never heard a race so silent, everyone was just surviving. Did I mention this trail also goes significantly up hill at the end? Yep it was a doozy! I finished about 39 minutes absolutely exhausted and happy to receive my pub glass to be filled later with the drink of my choice.
Shamrock Shuffle 2014 |
Next on the list was the Heart Run. Nothing to exciting to report here, it was my first solo race which has become a new thing for me this year. I started always running with my sister but now really am starting to enjoy the alone time with the road. The heart run was the first time I really decided that I have shin splints which are terrible awful sucky things to have :( So I went and bought new shoes which led to more new gear...did I mention my husband was in Vegas this weekend? I think my new gear was justified!
Heart Run 2014 |
New gear! |
After the Heart Run I was signed up for a 10k and I was really nervous for my shins. It was a small run called the Salmon run and it was put on by a local PTA to benefit their school so I figured I would lace up, buck and and suck it up. I had to make a couple stretch breaks but overall the run wasn't too bad. It was freaking hot, but in Alaska anything over 60 feels like 75 when your running, I'm not really sure why... I finished around one hour and 13 minutes and was scarily close to the last person on the course, but as I say in running practice, somebody has to be the caboose!
Yay! Love 10ks! |
From our local running club facebook, I look so focused, but really was angry I couldn't get map my run to work. |
The day after my 10k I decided one race a weekend wasn't enough so off I went to join the fantastic women who compete in the bike for women. This was my first year in this 9 mile race and it was an absolute blast! This was actually my first bike race that didn't also include a swim and a run. I can't say enough how much I loved it, biking is a great happy place for me, I felt strong and competitive and loved the event.
Bike for Women 2014 |
Last race of the spring season was the Faster than a Falcon 5k that supports our local boys and girls club. It is a race I do every year and while I enjoy the community of this race for some reason it always seems like a race that takes forever to finish! However this year was a good one, I ended up taking what I think was a PR of 32 minutes and while that was not faster than the darn falcon (yes there is a man dressed as a bird who runs about a 27 minute 5k). It was a hot run and it got even hotter when I ran 5 miles home to make it a nice 8 mile long run.
Well it was a great spring season of running. I have completed 2 more runs since the ones posted above and I have blogged about those. Coming up I have quite a few more races this summer and I am really excited to plan them, run them, and talk about them!
Happy Running :)
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