Sunday, June 29, 2014

Why Not Tri?

Hello!  Sorry for the radio silence for the last couple weeks, it has been busy!  I am now on week two of summer vacation which is wonderful, I wish it would slow down though, only 6 more weeks to go!  The week before work ended was a bit hectic, my mom came into town, work was frustrating, but the bright side was that I ran a triathlon. 

This triathlon is called the Why Not Tri and it was the first one I was going to run with my husband, well not really with him as he is super speedy, but it was our first experience racing together.  The day started out early as we had to get our bikes out to the town the race was in by 8am.  After getting this done we were both very happy that volunteering had not worked out because it was pouring rain and although I know its the right thing to do, we were much happier waiting out the storm in our car than out directing traffic. 

Hanging out in the packed car

This race started in the pool with a 400m swim and I was relieved to have sorted out my swim issues that occurred at the last triathlon and was able to swim the entire length with my face in the water.  I am still doing a breast stroke, I haven't graduated to a crawl stroke with my face in the water yet, but I am about to start swim lessons so its coming soon!

I leaped out of the pool and made it through transition with great time, but when I jumped on my bike and started to pedal there was just air.  I had thrown a chain.  Whoops!  Got that fixed and off I went.  The bike was nothing too exciting until a couple of the volunteers were sitting in their cars which left me very confused on the route.  I know I should have been responsible and driven the route beforehand, but I didn't, and at about mile 9 I was sure I was lost.  I ended up stopping at a yard sale to ask directions.  Yep, you know its a good bike ride when you throw a chain and have to ask directions in the same ride. 

At the end of the ride I saw my mom, sister and nephew which was a great motivator.  I got through transition and was out ready to run.  Well part of me was, my legs were not that part.  Off I went through the neighborhood on wobbly legs only to find that there is one long large hill in this run.  Here's a question, do you like to know the course ahead of time and stress about it, or be surprised mid race?  Apparently I went with the surprise on this one.  I was calling it a taper tri for my half that was the next weekend so I was taking it easy.  Yes there is such thing as a taper tri, I just made it up myself :) 

After finishing the hilly run I came screaming around the final bend (okay that part may be in my head) and sprinted to the finish line.  That part is real, although I heard in my head a lecture from my coach about having too much gas in the tank at the end means you didn't run hard enough, oh well!

It was a great race, my husband did amazing much to his surprise, but not to anyone else.  I was on a total race high afterwards and tried to rope him into many more races.  I get really excited when I think about sharing the love I have for racing with my family.  Next Tri is in September!

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