Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tough Day

Yesterday I had a tough day, work was really long - about 11.5 hours- and I had 7 meetings where I spoke the whole time.  My throat was sore and my mind was stressed due to some huge financial deadlines coming up as well as having a couple more meetings this week that are contentious and probably going to be a bit heated.

But that's life, that happens sometimes.  Work gets tough, bodies get sick, minds get stressed.  How did I deal with it?  Well I'll give you a hint, it wasn't by exercising and eating healthy meals.  I did have a nice vent sesh with my sister and some red wine, but otherwise I "fell off the wagon" a bit. 

Later last night as I sat on the couch knitting and thinking about my day I didn't beat myself up.  I thought about my choices, I thought about how EVERYTHING I do is under my control.  I thought about how awesome I am and how awesome my life is, but also how I am letting things hold me back, and I am stronger than that.

So I went to bed with a calm mind and decided that tomorrow is a new day and I can do anything I set my mind to!

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